Thursday, October 17, 2019

Eating disorders Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eating disorders - Annotated Bibliography Example Mainly, people lack awareness of these disorders or they are ashamed of discussing their symptoms with other people (Becker et al 1999, p. 1092). According to the authors, these disorders mainly occur in young women who are in adolescent age. Nevertheless, 40 percent of binge-eating problem appears in young men and boys. The authors insist that the disorders are prevalent in societies that are highly developed in comparison to undeveloped societies. The occurrence is also along socioeconomic classes. According to the authors, the disorders appear to be caused by genetic, psycho-developmental and also social-cultural aspects of a person. They also argue that in some cases eating disorders may cause depression which may result to suicide by the individual. Treatment of eating disorders can be through outpatient management and medical treatment. Although outpatient setting is more adequate in critical cases, inpatient care is more appropriate. Some of the indications of inpatient care include; extreme loss of weight which is rapid. On the other hand, high risk of suicide and acute medical disorders are symptoms of outpatient treatment (Becker et al 1999, p. 1092). The authors insist that medical treatment mainly aim at both preventing and correcting the complications of excess weight and purging. Treatment also occur routinely mainly involving educating the patients on the importance of taking a keen notice on the symptoms and monitoring any body weight change. Educating about how to adjust nutrition and caloric intake is also an important aspect in medical treatment. This treatment involves individual, group and family support for the task to be successful (Becker et al 1999, p. 1095). The authors also propose that psychiatric treatment approaches can play an important part in treating people with eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is a condition that responds well family therapy. Interpersonal interaction is also

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