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Friday, August 28, 2020
Financial Management Free Essays
I accept that the code of morals would be compelling in an association especially with regards to decentralization of the dynamic position. Representatives are the most significant resources of an association and so as to expand the use of these benefits organizations are concentrating on building hierarchical societies dependent on proprietorship, duty and responsibility. The administrations in organizations are concentrating on this target since it improves worker inspiration. We will compose a custom article test on Money related Management or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now As representatives are enabled to decide, they start to build up a feeling of responsibility for operational procedures and along these lines assume the liability to improve viability all alone. In this regard, hierarchical interests must be adjusted to worker interests and this arrangement is encouraged with the code of morals. The code empowers workers to take activities all alone in arrangement with hierarchical interests. This arrangement amplifies the vital focal point of the organization and in that regard the code of morals is a fundamental piece of a compelling hierarchical structure. Question 2 I was astounded by the logical inconsistency among trustworthiness and privacy. In the uprightness segment, workers are instructed to inform all gatherings concerning any expected clashes. Anyway I believe that would disregard the laws of privacy in light of the fact that specific data can't be unveiled to all the gatherings in the organization. Subsequently I figure the code ought to be changed to address this contention among uprightness and classification. If there is a penetrate in the implicit rules, at that point it ought to be dealt with carefully on a departmental premise so as to protect secrecy. In any case, as per the code, no such constraints are required.â if the contention can't be settled inside the office, at that point it ought to be taken up to the following level. Nonetheless, as per the focuses shrouded in the segment of uprightness, representatives don't need to stress over who to pick in conveying the issues of the contention. This would abuse privacy which is the one of the basic achievement factors in any association (refered to in Brigham Ehrhardt, 2007). In this manner there is a hole here which ought to be tended to in the code. Remarks I don’t feel that it ought to be amazing that there ought to be a code of morals in bookkeeping conversation. This is especially so in the current business condition in which the administration is progressively decentralizing the dynamic procedure. Accordingly, a great deal of the choices must be taken by the workers without anyone else. In a great deal of zones they don't have the advantage of oversight. It is in this regard the code of morals turns into a basic achievement factor. It directs the workers in settling on powerful choices on the off chance that they should end up in circumstances which are hard to determine. In this manner this is a basic thought for the administration. On the off chance that they are to adequately enable their workers, at that point they ought to give the fundamental structure where representatives can take choices in arrangement with the key focal point of the association. In this regard, the code of morals can control the representatives. It must be recalled that in an association there will be irreconcilable situations between various offices. In such circumstances, it is significant that there ought to be a code of morals to address the important issues immediately. Especially with regards to the scattering of bookkeeping data, the workers are every now and again uncertain of which data to convey and which not to (refered to in Higgins, 2007). In this regard, it is the obligation of the administration to build up a code of morals which will empower the businesses to settle on choices without requiring management. In this regard, the administration needs to discuss as often as possible with the representatives so as to advance the utilization of the code of morals in showing up at compelling choices. Representatives may not try to check with the rules before settling on their choices. This is the issue that the administration needs to address in making a code of morals for its association. References Brigham, Eugene F., and Michael C. Ehrhardt. (2007). Monetary Management: Theory Practice. South western school bar. Higgins, Robert C. (2007). Examination of Financial Management. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. The most effective method to refer to Financial Management, Essays Monetary Management Free Essays Monetary Management WORKBOOK The ICFAI University # 52, Nagarjuna Hills, Hyderabad †500 082  © 2005 The Icfai University Press. All rights saved. No piece of this distribution might be recreated, put away in a recovery framework, utilized in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any structure or using any and all means †electronic, mechanical, copying or in any case †without earlier authorization recorded as a hard copy from The Icfai University Press. We will compose a custom exposition test on Budgetary Management or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now ISBN : 81-7881-969-4 Ref. No. FMWB 11200502 For any explanation in regards to this book, the understudies may please keep in touch with us giving the above reference number of this book determining part and page number. Budget reports iframe class=wp-implanted substance sandbox=allow-contents security=restricted style=position: supreme; cut: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); src=https://phdessay.com/budget reports 2/insert/#?secret=ZB0sgqMct4 information secret=ZB0sgqMct4 width=500 height=282 title=#8220;Financial Statements#8221; #8212; Free Essays - PhDessay.com frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no/iframe While each conceivable consideration has been taken in type-setting and printing this book, we invite proposals from understudies for development in future releases. Introduction The ICFAI University has been overhauling its examination material to make it increasingly useful to the understudies for self-concentrate through the Distance Learning mode. We are charmed to distribute an exercise manual to help the understudies getting ready for the assessments. The exercise manual is partitioned into three sections. Powerful from April, 2003, the assessments for all the subjects of DBF/CFA (Level-I) comprise of just numerous decision questions. Brief Summaries of Chapters A concise outline for every one of the parts in the course book is given for simple memory of the subjects contemplated. Part I: Questions on Basic Concepts and Answers (with Explanatory Notes) Students are encouraged to experience the significant course reading cautiously and comprehend the subject completely before endeavoring Part I. In no conditions should the understudies endeavor Part I without completely getting a handle regarding the matter material gave in the reading material. Often utilized Formulae Similarly the formulae utilized in the different subjects have been given here for simple memory while working out the issues. Part II: Problems and Solutions The understudies should endeavor Part II simply after cautiously experiencing all the illuminated models in the course reading. A couple of dreary issues are accommodated the understudies to have adequate practice. Part III: Model Question Papers (with Suggested Answers) The Model Question Papers are remembered for Part III of this exercise manual. The understudies should endeavor all model inquiry papers under reproduced assessment condition. They should self score their answers by contrasting them and the model answers. Each paper comprises of Part An and Part B. Section An is planned to test the applied comprehension of the understudies. It contains 40 inquiries conveying one point each. Part B contains issues with a total weightage of 60 focuses. It would be ideal if you recollect that the ICFAI University assessments adhere to exclusive requirements that request thorough arrangement. Understudies need to plan well to satisfy these guidelines. There are no easy routes to progress. We trust that the understudies will discover this exercise manual valuable in getting ready for the ICFAI University assessments. Buckle down. Work Smart. Work Regularly. You get each opportunity to succeed. All the best. You can peruse additionally Portfolio Management Quizzesâ Substance PAPER I Brief Summaries of Chapters Part I: Questions on Basic Concepts and Answers (with Explanatory Notes) 1 10 Frequently Used Formulae 101 Part II: Problems and Solutions 108 Part III: Model Question Papers (with Suggested Answers) 333 PAPER II Brief Summaries of Chapters 467 Part I: Questions on Basic Concepts and Answers (with Explanatory Notes) 480 Frequently Used Formulae 560 Part II: Problems and Solutions 570 Part III: Model Question Papers (with Suggested Answers) 749 Detailed Curriculum Paper I Introduction to Financial Management: Objectives, Functions and Scope, Development, Interface of Financial Management with Other Functional Areas, Environment of Corporate Finance. Indian Financial System: a. Budgetary Markets: Money Market, Forex Market, Government Securities Market, Capital Market, Derivatives Market, International Capital Markets. b. Members: I. Money related Institutions: IDBI, IFCI, ICICI, IIBI, EXIM Bank, SFCs, SIDCs ii. Insurance agencies: LIC, GIC iii. Venture Institutions: UTI, Mutual Funds, Commercial Banks; Non-Banking Financial Companies; Housing Finance Companies; Foreign Institutional Investors. c. Administrative Authorities: RBI, SEBI, IRA. Time Value of Money: Introduction; Future Value of a Single Cash Flow, Multiple Flows and Annuity, Present Value of a Single Cash Flow, Multiple Flows and Annuity. Hazard and Return: Risk and Return Concepts, Risk in a Portfolio Context, Relationship among Risk and Return. Influence: Concept of Leverage, Operating Leverage, Financial Leverage, Total Leverage. Valuation of Securities: Concept of Valuation, Bond Valuation, Equity Valuation: Dividend Capitalization Approach and Ratio Approach, Valuation of Warrants and Convertibles. Fiscal report Analysis: Ratio Analysis, Time Series Anal
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Writing a Paper on Fahrenheit 451
Writing a Paper on Fahrenheit 451A lot of students would like to do a paper on Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. However, it is difficult to get into these kinds of essays because of the subject matter. This is because the paper must deal with an important fact of that book.We all know that the book has been published in some years ago and has become a classic. It has been loved by many since then. It is a very scary story about a prison that gets destroyed by an escaped convict. He wants to destroy the world, and what can he do if he becomes famous?There are many different books, from different authors, and they all have the same things in common. They also share a very serious message that is shared with a very strict life. If you have an idea of how these books are written, you will surely enjoy writing a paper on Fahrenheit 451. It can be very interesting for you, if you write one yourself. You will not only be able to express your creativity, but also to provide something to your reader.Fahrenheit 451 is a short book. But it tells the story about a public library, which reads books about stories from time to time. This library became famous after its founding, because its books would often get destroyed. There are many versions of the story, but most of them end with the police station getting destroyed by fire.This is a great theme for any kind of paper. You can even say that it is very important. A good idea is to combine it with a classroom situation. Students will be much more comfortable doing a paper on this topic if they find it related to a regular educational activity. It will make their life easier, and they will be able to focus more on what they need to write.These types of essay samples are usually used by schools, universities, and colleges. Most of them have been done by high school students, but the authors have been adults. There are many people who would like to work on a story about reading books. This idea can be interesting to a lot of p eople.You can find these essay samples in many places. Some of them are books, and others are magazines. There are other ways to find them, like the Internet. There are many online websites that allow you to find different subjects about reading books, especially the popular ones. There are even some sites that offer you free access to some of these items.Writing such a paper will be fun for you, and it will also be fun for your readers. In many cases, people have the same interests as the author of the story. When you choose to use this kind of essay sample, you will be able to communicate your creative side to your readers, and make them read it again.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Learn About the Birth Place of William Shakespeare
Find out About the Birth Place of William Shakespeare Its no mystery that William Shakespeare was from England, yet a considerable lot of his fans would be unable to name precisely where in the nation the author was conceived. With this diagram, find where and when the poet was conceived, and why his origin stays a vacation destination today. Where Was Shakespeare Born? Shakespeare was conceived in 1564â into a prosperous family in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, England. The town is around 100 miles northwest of London. In spite of the fact that there is no record of his introduction to the world, it is assumed that heâ was conceived on April 23 since he was gone into the sanctification register of Holy Trinity Churchâ shortly after. Shakespearesâ father, John, claimed a huge family house in the town place that is believed to be the bardsâ birthplace. The general population can even now visit the very room wherein it is trusted Shakespeare was conceived. The house sits on Henley Street - the principle street that goes through the center of this little market town. It is all around saved and is available to the open by means of the guest place. Inside, you can perceive how little the living space was for the youthful Shakespeare and how the family would have lived, cooked and rested. One room would have been John Shakespeares workroom, where he would have custom-made gloves to sell. Shakespeare was required to assume control over his dads business one day himself.â Shakespeare Pilgrimage For a considerable length of time, Shakespeare’s origination has been a position of journey for the artistic disapproved. The convention began in 1769 when David Garrick, a popular Shakespearean on-screen character, sorted out the main Shakespeare celebration in Stratford-upon-Avon. From that point forward, the house has been visited by scores of celebrated essayists including: John Keats (1817)Sir Walter Scott (1821)Charles Dickens (1838)Mark Twain (1873)Thomas Hardy (1896) They utilized jewel rings to scratch their names into the glass window of the birth room. The window has since been supplanted, yet the first glass sheets are still in plain view. A huge number of individuals consistently keep on following this convention and visit Shakespeare’s origination, so the house stays one of Stratford-upon-Avon’s busiest attractions. For sure, the house denotes the beginning stage of the yearly procession strolled by neighborhood authorities, big names, and local gatherings every year as a major aspect of the Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations. This emblematic walk begins in Henley Streetâ and closes at Holy Trinity Church, his entombment place. There is no particular recorded date of his demise, however the date of the internment indicatesâ he passed on April 23. Truly, Shakespeare was conceived and kicked the bucket around the same time of the year! Members of theâ parade pin a branch of the herb rosemary to their outfits to celebrate his life. This is a reference to Ophelias line in Hamlet: Theres rosemary, that is for recognition. Saving the Birthplace as a National Memorial When the birthplace’s last private inhabitant kicked the bucket, cash was raised by board to purchase the house at closeout and protect it as a national dedication. The crusade picked up force when gossip spread that P. T. Barnum, the American bazaar proprietor needed to purchase the house and boat it to New York! The cash was raised effectively and the house is in theâ hands of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. The trust along these lines purchased other Shakespeare-related properties in and around Stratford-upon-Avon, including his moms ranch house, his little girls town house and his wifes family home in close by Shottery. They additionally own the land where Shakespeares last home in the town once stood. Today, the Shakespeare Birthplace House has been saved and changed over into a gallery as a feature of a bigger guest place complex. It is available to the open all year.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Interesting Forms of Sociological Imagination Essay Topics
Interesting Forms of Sociological Imagination Essay TopicsThe sociological imagination is a kind of essay you can do based on sociological fields. For example, if you are an anthropology major, then it is possible that you will want to write an essay about anthropology. But if you are a criminology major, then you might want to write about crime. Whatever the case, you are still going to need to learn about the different kinds of fields of study so that you can know what kind of fields you should write in the essay.The first and probably the most widely practiced form of analysis are socio-cultural analysis. This form of essay is used to gain an understanding of certain cultural groups, sub-cultures, or specific social groups. Typically, the main function of a sociological imagination essay is to analyze various social groups in certain geographic areas and identify a main function in the same area.If you would like to focus on the concept of human nature, then the most popular form of sociological imagination is sociology. This essay has the most fields of study. Sociology has a lot of focus on the human psychology and social structures of the social group. And not only the social group but other groups as well can be analyzed in the same manner.You will learn about the sociological view of the world and society as a whole and thus, you can learn about how groups fit into society and how that groups function. A sociology essay may also deal with the ways that humans act upon the actions of others in order to affect the reactions and understanding of others.Other than this, you can also do a sociology essay that analyzes the structure of a society or countries. There is a study about society, particularly culture and the social groups that are connected. In this essay, you are going to find that the way different social groups have been forced to change their ways of thinking about one another and how they have been influenced by society. This will help you gai n an understanding of the social group and why it behaves the way it does.A more complex form of sociology is the one that deals with the evolution of social groups. This is done through an essay that looks at the kind of social group that has been through various changes in the past. And the ways that it deals with these changes in itself.As you can see, there are many forms of sociology that you can do. And most of them are quite interesting. And you can also have a great deal of insight into the workings of society. But before you do the reading, it is best to first understand the things that sociology is all about so that you can easily know what types of things you are to do in the essay.
Friday, May 15, 2020
art essay - 1448 Words
Art Essay- The context, of which art is created, clearly reflects its history and where it is from. Society’s values are further highlighted by the piece and give us insight into what life was like. This is interestingly interpreted by Juan Bautista de Espinosa’s exuberant baroque style painting, with a heavily catholic influence from Spain in the late 1500’s, as well as Margaret Olley’s contrasting and simplistic sensibility of the mid 20th century. Each artist’s aesthetic, although significantly different; equally allow us to understand a certain time and place Juan Bautista de Espinosa was born in 1590c. into a heavily Catholic family and country. Originally a gilder of altarpieces, Espinosa mastered the technique of still-life in†¦show more content†¦The Spanish Empire, in an effort to increase its size and spread Catholicism, carried out many conquests overseas. In Bautista’s work â€Å"Still-Life with Grapes, Flowers, and Shells, 1628†reflects the â€Å"new delights†that the â€Å"new world†had to offer†. The arrangement of shells and exotic birds and flowers, is a combination of old and new: with a traditional style of painting depicting exciting and unexplored goods. This could possibly be a metaphor for the rather old and powerful Spanish empire, exploring into the unknown. The subtle uses of bright bold colours of peach and chartreuse, as well as warm earth tones are a clear reflection of the South American tropics, along with their exotic flora and fauna, and humid climate. It also crea tes moods of excitement in anticipation of what else there is to explore. The lusciousness of the brush strokes and use of highlights give the painting a new life, in the both things harsh like the foliage of the plants and soft like plumage of the birds. The sombre background and traditional table ground the contrasting arrangement and forms the basic structure of the piece. It also competes with the display, just like Spain and its conquest against other nations. Margaret Olley is possibly one of Australia’s most famous still life painters. Born in 1923, Olley enjoyed art from an early age and even died with paint still on her fingers. She was trained at the EastShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Art of Writing1027 Words  | 5 PagesWriting is like art- it helps us to express ourselves. However, writing differs from art in that it has to follow specific parameters, such as structure, syntax, grammar, and so on. At the beginning of the quarter, I had preconceived ideas as to what good writing was, and how I should go about it. While working on my first assignment, I discovered that to be reasonably successful at this I had to leave behind my perceptions of writing as it is accepted in my country and to start from scratch. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Questions On Allocating Overhead Costs - 1701 Words
Question 1 Allocating overhead costs is one of the important tasks and is necessary to be done by management accountant. One key reason is that in term of pricing strategies, many firms decide their products’ selling price based on their cost. And the selling price has to cover all the costs and profit. According to Vivian Guo (2012), Cost-plus pricing is the simplest and oldest method of determining price and provide the basis for doing business. For calculating this price we need add together the direct labour cost, direct material cost, selling and administrative costs, and overhead costs for a product. Then we need to add to it a markup percentage (AccountingTools, 2016). The pricing formula is: Total production costs + Selling and administration costs + Markup Number of units expected to sell Therefore, there is no doubt that it is significant to allocate overhead cost accurately for every production. If the overhead is calculated incorrectly, the selling price of the product will change. The company will not cover the cost and make a loss. Some firms in service industries like repair shops and printing shops prefer to use the time and material pricing to decide the price of products. Under this approach, they need to pay attention to the time and material two parts and determine two pricing rates. The rate is decided by the interaction of demand and supply and by competitive industry environment (Seal, W. andShow MoreRelatedThe General Overhead And Construction Projects Essay1510 Words  | 7 PagesIn the past, the general overhead in construction projects was not important compared to project costs. However, with the new construction environment and its changes such as the high usage of lean, BIM, and LEED, everything has changed. Nowadays, most of the construction contractors are measuring their general overhead costs and trying to control it. To gain profits, they started to allocate their general overhead costs to different construction projects they are working on. In this paper, we investigateRead MoreWeek 5 Practice Text Exercises Acc 5611259 Words  | 6 PagesByrd ACC 561 June 21, 2011 Michael T. Bradford Practice Text Exercises Excel 12-59 Allocating Costs Using Direct and Step-Down Methods (p. 584) Goal: Create an Excel spreadsheet to allocate costs using the direct method and the stepdown method. Use the results to answer questions about your findings. Scenario: Antonio Cleaning has asked you to help them determine the best method for allocating costs from their service departments to their producing departments. Additional background informationRead MoreFabricator Inc Allocation Of Overheads1006 Words  | 5 PagesAllocation of Overheads Mark Graves 28 May 2015 William Whitley â€Æ' Engineer concern The engineer of company is concerned about the recovery of overheads. The company has implemented traditional system of overheads recovery based on direct labor hour and is recovering overheads at $3,000 per labor hour. The direct labor cost is only about 5% of total cost of production. The design engineer seems to be correct in his opinion that a slight variation in direct labor hour is going to affect the cost of productRead MoreManagement Accounting Case Analysis1785 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Management Accounting Case Analysis Objective of Analysis The objective of this report is to provide answers to questions in a case analysis of CFO Rubrics Corporation on the determination of whether Rubrics Corporation should adopt an Activity-Based Costing (ABC) System. This report will explain what an ABC system is, what type of companies benefit from such systems and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of such systems. The report will address the CFOs questioned outlined in this case analysisRead MoreAccounting Assignment1271 Words  | 6 Pagesthe best definition of product costs? 1 Product costs are the costs associated with unsold products retained in stock. 2 Product costs are those costs associated with goods or services purchased or produced for sale to customers. 3 Product costs are those costs that change with changes in the level of product activity, over a defined period of time. 4 Product costs are overhead costs that are allocated over a number of products of the business for which costs are to be determined. 2 Which ofRead MoreGreetings, Inc. - Job Order Costing Essay examples659 Words  | 3 Pagesof a predetermined manufacturing overhead rate that is applied in a job-order costing system? A predetermined overhead rate is the rate used to apply manufacturing overhead to work-in-process inventory. The predetermined overhead rate is calculated before the period begins. The first step is to estimate the amount of the activity base that will be required to support operations in the upcoming period. The second step is to estimate the total manufacturing cost at that level of activity. TheRead MoreDestin Brass Case Essay example1360 Words  | 6 Pagesand by comparing activity based costing with the cost systems they already using, looking for a way in which they can be more competitive on the market.     Cover page  Table of Content 1. Use the Overhead Cost Activity Analysis in Exhibit 5 and other data on manufacturing costs to estimate product costs for valves, pumps, and flow controllers Q. 1 When Activity Based Costing (Weetman, 2010, p. 85) is used to calculate the monthly cost per unit, two types of costs are distinguished. Firstly the direct costs, consisting of the direct Read MoreActivity Based Costing ( Abc )1124 Words  | 5 Pagesassigns a cost. The cost reflects the actual resource consumption by each activity that has been identified. Under a traditional system, overhead cost is allocated to an activity based on hours or rates for direct labor or machine usage. However, this approach does not clearly indicate how much overhead cost will be needed in order to complete a job through a particular function. ABC methodology is to be used as an alternative to traditional accounting where a business s overhead costs (indirectRead MoreDestin Brass Products Co.3014 Words  | 13 Pagesdealing with competition within some of the product markets they produce. Ronald Guidry had two basic questions they wanted answered dealing with this case: 1. Why was it so difficult for the company to stay competitive in the pump market? 2. Why has the company not seen any competition in the flow controller market even with a recent raise in their price to consumers? These questions aroused from Guidry when he realized that the company wasn’t making the standard 35% gross profitRead MoreActivity Based Costing - Essay 21483 Words  | 6 PagesAssigning Overhead Costs – Overhead costs are not directly related to production volume, and therefore cannot be traced to units of product in the same way as direct materials and direct labor. Consequently, we must assign overhead costs using an allocation system. There are three methods of overhead allocation 1. The single plant wide overhead rate method (as discussed in Chapter 2) Single overhead rate = Total budgeted overhead for the plant / Total budgeted base With base being
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Great Gatsby Theme and character anlysis of Tom a Essay Example For Students
Great Gatsby: Theme and character anlysis of Tom a Essay nd DaisyGreatGatsby: Theme and character anlysis of Tom and DaisyGreed, Corruption, the Search of OnesSelf and the 1920sThe characters search of their own identitiesand the struggle that ensues is the most suffusive theme throughout TheGreat Gatsby . The fact that we never really know the characters, and thecorrupt immoral things they do, directly represent the 20s high societylifestyle. The characters continued to cheat on their spouses, let moneybecome their obsession, and debated the American dream for the hopes ofone day obtaining happiness. But the fact remains that they have no truemorals or ideals of themselves as individuals. These are a group of peoplewho no matter how cocky and self- confident they seem have absolutelyno idea of what they are doing (as many men and women of the 20s do not). Tom and Daisy are two examples. Daisy is a hospitable character who hada love for parties and tended to lose herself in them and the drinking. Daisy once said, Whatll we do with ourselves this afternoon, and theday after that, and the next thirty years? This quote not only means shelives for one day at a time never thinking of the future, but that shetruly has no idea of what to do with herself. She is like loose changefloating around wandering from party to party, man to man, friend to friend,in a big house in East Egg with no sense of purpose. She once attemptedto plan something when she first reunited with Nick. She said, Whatllwe plan? What do people plan? meaning she has never had to make decisionsnor has she had much responsibility. Not only does she have no purpose,she has no morals. She literally killed a woman and went home to eat coldchicken. What more, her lover was killed and she left on a trip missinghis funeral. Show me a woman who has no morals or goals and Ill show youa woman who is searching for her own identity. Tom Buchanan is a small man hiding in abig house with an equally large ego. In fact, he once remarked that womenrun around too much and meet the wrong kind of people. This statement isboth arrogant and ironic because he runs around with the wrong people,and women run around with him- he being the wrong people. Also, when statingthis he was most likely referring to his wife, and subtly putting her downfor her relationship with Gatsby in a most conceited way. Tom is not acaring or sympathetic man. He did not attend his mistresss- Myrtles-funeral. Tom cared a great deal about his image. Enough to uncover thehistory and truth about his wifes lover, and openly embarass him for it. Tom is so desperately an empty man that he believes he can define himselfwith exterior belongings. He is trying to find his identity by lookingfor happiness in nice cars (his is a ridiculous yellow luxury vehicle),money and a good woman- be it he has to cheat on his wife to do so. Butwhat about if the money runs out? What happens if his wife finds anotherlover also? or one of his women kills the other? One day he will look himselfin the mirror and not like what he sees, and only then can he finally forgetabout the image and just be. To best describe Daisys, Toms, and the1920s high societys relentless quest for money and aimlessness existenceis Daisy and Toms own relationship. They were once young lovers with ahold on the world like their hold on eachother but that too tarnished likea gilded cup and saucer. Tom once carried Daisy down from the punch owlso her feet wouldnt get wet. But the weight of time has pulled at theirlove until Tom was seen as a racist man reading The Rise of Colored Empireswho depends on a mistress to fulfill his need of lust and to be apart fromhome life, leaving Daisy ignorant and smiling. She hoped her daughter wouldbe a fool of a girl so nothing would hurt her, a lesson she learned fromliving with Tom. While their marriage seems to be falling apart Daisy findsa man from her past- Gatsby-who has a heated desperation for her love-enough so to acquire a huge home and beautiful shirts, and throw
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